Dryer Vent Cleaning / Dryer Vent Cleaning Tool Packages / Dryer Vent Cleaning Package 1/4" Airline Fitting
For professional, fast and effiecient cleaning of dryer vents, we recommend the following Dryer Vent Cleaning Package. Plugged vents are easy to clean with this package.
*Recommended start up pressure, 150PSI or greater.
Skipper Ball Care & Maintenance:
Dip skipper ball in mineral oil (varsol or paint thinner) and give them a blast of air from a blowgun which cleans the liquid and the dust out of them.
Do this several times to get them really clean.
DO NOT use any solvent that contains oil.
DO NOT lubricate with oil as the film will only attract and hold on to the dirt, where as dry fittings stay cleaner longer.