Understanding Different Types of Insulation Materials
Proper insulation not only protects people inside the building from excessive cold and heat, it also makes the building energy efficient, helping to save costs. The right insulation blowing machine can help you achieve all this for your building in a way that is fast and easy.
Needless to say, when choosing an insulation blowing machine, it is important to consider the project scale, budget, and time constraints. With that said, today’s blog will focus specifically on the impact that insulation materials have on insulation blowing machines, and how all this will influence what kind of machine you buy.
Determine the needs of your project
Using a gas insulation blowing machine that can handle hundreds of bags per hour is a cost-effective option for large commercial buildings. A good example is Heat Seal Equipment’s HS 5500 GAS, which works best with loose fill type insulation and can handle the following materials:
1. Cellulose 135 bags/hr. (4,050 lbs. - 1,840 kg.)
2. Fiberglass 82 bags/hr. (2,952 lbs. - 1,342 kg.)
3.Rockwool 100 bags/hr. (3,600 lbs. - 1636 kg.)
Consider the insulation material
Not all insulation blowers work best with all insulation materials. Also, it is good to know that each insulation material has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
1. Cellulose is fire resistant and eco-friendly but can absorb and hold moisture. So it is very important that walls are kept dry before application. Wet cellulose also does not dry as quickly as wet fibreglass.
2. Fibreglass is a cheaper alternative but requires careful handling. If mishandled, fibreglass has the tendency to release small particles in the air when disturbed. The people exposed to these particles during installation or removal may experience respiratory problems as well as skin and eye irritations.
3. Rockwool insulation is both moisture resistant and vapour permeable. It is also sound resistant and is a good insulation material inside a music studio or media room. However, it is more expensive compared to other insulation materials.
The experts of Heat Seal Equipment can help you choose the best insulation blowing machine for your specific needs. On top of that, our insulation blower options include models that work with diesel, electricity, or gas. These options will give you more flexibility. No matter what energy source you prefer, our machines will deliver exactly the results you are looking for.