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Factors Determining The Frequency Of Dryer Vent Cleaning

November 17, 2023
Quality Dryer Vent Cleaning Tools In Ajax by Heat Seal Equipment Ltd.

The importance of regularly cleaning the dryer vent is well established. It prevents fire hazards and improves the efficiency of the dryer system. The general consensus among contractors is that a dryer vent should be thoroughly cleaned between one to three years with the right dryer vent cleaning tools for best results. However, there are numerous factors that can drastically alter the cleaning frequency of a dryer vent. Some of these factors are addressed in this blog.


Factors Impacting Dryer Vent Cleaning Frequency


Load Size


The first thing to consider is the load size of the dryer. More clothes automatically means more lint and more strain on the dryer. Therefore, frequently adding big loads translates to more clogging and consequently, more frequent cleaning with dryer vent cleaning equipment.


Length Of The Dryer Vent


The length of the dryer vent is also a fundamental factor to consider. The longer the vent system, the more probable it is to accumulate lint and other debris in a short span of time. Another factor to consider is the layout of the vents, as more bends and turns also affect the dryer in an adverse manner. 


Presence Of Pet Dander


Apart from lint, the introduction of pet dander in the clothes will obviously lead to more debris build up in a short span of time, requiring more frequent cleaning with appropriate dryer vent cleaning tools


Introduction Of New Clothes


Apart from the size of the load, the nature of clothes can also impact the dryer vent. In general, new apparel has the tendency to release more lint. Hence, households washing a lot of new clothes would also do well to opt for regular dryer vent cleaning. Furthermore, certain types of fabric, like blankets and towels are also susceptible to leaving more lint with each wash. Therefore, it is vital to inspect and clean the vents in this case too.


For more tips on dryer vent cleaning, or to purchase quality dryer vent cleaning equipment like skipper balls, skipper lines, or vacuum, reach out to us at Heat Seal Equipment Ltd. In operation since 1975, we are a leading provider of high-quality air handling equipment and relevant parts. Call us today to inquire about our inventory of equipment and parts.